Have you ever said any of this about your child?
"It's like she has FOMO. She never wants to sleep."
"I have to bounce them on a yoga ball
to get them to sleep."
"He goes from zero to 100 if I don't get to him fast."
"She had her eyes wide open at birth.
She's so alert."
"This child notices everything. They don't miss a thing."
"She absolutely knows what she wants and just never gives up."
"I swear he never looks tired."
If so . . .
You, tired mama or papa, have a
"livewire" on your hands.
What's a "livewire"? These are children who come into the world with juuust a little more current running through their systems. They are more intense, sensitive, alert, engaged, persistent, and perceptive than other children the same age. If you feel like you're the only one with a child like this, think again. It's estimated that about 20% of children are wired like this. They notice more, they feel more, and they need more help with all of it.
Don't worry. I've got you.

Available now!
Why won't you sleep?!
A Game-changing Approach for Exhausted Parents of Nonstop, Super Alert, Big Feeling Kids
Finally. . .a sleep book that doesn't use crying-it-out and is written specifically for alert, intense, sensitive young children (6 mos. to 6 years)!
It also focuses on your experience as the parent of one of these little hurricanes. . . because I know (from experience) that it is not easy or straightforward.
Feedback from readers is that this is the first time that they have felt "seen" and that this approach is the first they've encountered that is tailored for the kind of child they have.

From the Blog
I'm Macall . . .
(Yes, that's my first name)
Because of my experience as a mom of TWO livewires (who never, ever slept as babies), I really, really know what it's like to have a child who is just MORE. It requires every ounce of faith and stamina and energy you have, just to keep up.
As a researcher and sleep coach, I've worked with so many parents in the same boat and I know they absolutely require a different approach to sleep (and well, everything). Because if the other stuff worked, you wouldn't be here, right?
You need strategies that work with temperament—not against it—to get everyone (yes, including you, exhausted mamas and papas) more sleep. It IS possible.

From instagram. . .