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5 Sleep Hacks for Livewires
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5 Reasons for
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Disclaimer: I have read, used, and/or vetted the products on this page. I only include items I think are awesome and useful.
Some of them have referral codes and I may receive referral fees or credit.

why won't you sleep?! (Nov 2024)
by Macall Gordon, M.A. & Kim West, M.S.W.
This book focuses on the experience of parenting a livewire who never sleeps. The book gives you the tools to understand how temperament impacts sleep and what you can do about it that doesn't involve leaving the room and letting them freak out.

The fussy baby Book
by William & Martha Sears
The Searses had several children for whom their parenting strategies worked pretty well. And then they had Hayden. Hayden was what they called a "high-need baby." Those strategies did not work the same for her. This is a helpful, validating guide. (Fun fact: I contributed a bunch of the anecdotes/quotes in this book based on my own "high-need" child.)

The highly sensitive parent
by Elaine Aron
Elaine Aron pioneered work on a "highly sensitive" temperament—cautious, sensitive, introverted, etc. This book is one of the only ones to acknowledge that parents' temperament matters, too. Sensitive children likely have sensitive parents. The more you know about your own temperament, the better.