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The Fussy Baby Site

Does your baby cry . . . a lot?

Does it feel like nothing works?

Do you secretly worry that you're just not cut out for this?

You are not alone. 

There are lots of reasons why a baby might seem really fussy (or downright miserable) most of the time. It's a challenge to your self-esteem, your stamina, and possibly your belief in your own ability as a parent. All of this is normal.


This site is dedicated to giving you some information that can take some of the load off of your shoulders. Your little one's distress is not a result of anything you are doing (or not doing). Let's figure out what's going on together.

One sec...


Click here for what to do if you're concerned about your mental health or safety.


We've got you . . .

The Fussy Baby Site Private Facebook Group

This private Facebook group has over 65,000 members who are parents of newborns up to three or four years. You will get support and validation from other parents who are also living on this path. It will show you how not alone you are in this.



The founder of this site, Holly Klaassen, compiled a wealth of articles, interviews, and stories over her time with this site. I'll be posting them here. You'll find a lot of helpful, validating material to help you make it through your day.


Fussy Baby/Toddler
Temperament Assessment

Discover a bit more about your child's temperament package. Then, take the parent version, too, because...well, you know what they say about apples.



I’m Macall Gordon, M.A.. I took over this site from its founder, Holly Klaassen. She started this page in 2007 when her “fussy baby” was small and she felt desperate. She built something amazing, and I hope to build on that.


My first child was born (in 1994) after 27 hours of hard labor and she came out with her eyes wide open. "That's not normal, is it?" She didn't have that fuzzy newborn look. Her eyes were like little lasers. When colic hit a few weeks later, it felt like being hit by a tidal wave. I would honestly rather go through that 27 hours of labor again than relive colic.


I really, really, REALLY get it.


Colic made me question everything: What if I can't "read her cries"? What if I never know what I'm doing? Will she ever stop crying???


This site is now also part of my page -- -- about temperament, parenting, sleep, and all the rest. I hope you find useful information here and a little reassurance that you're not alone and you will make it through.​​

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